Wireless Calling Features
Reliable, affordable and the latest technology handsets keep you connected.
Want even more functionality from your Telewise handset? Try some of our incredibly convenient calling features to further enhance your mobile phone experience. For only dollars a month you can choose from an assortment of popular features that do everything from let you see who’s calling, to taking messages while you’re away from your phone.
Want to activate a calling feature? Call today toll free 1-877-771-4261
Caller ID | See who is calling you before answering, see both the name and phone number (when available) of those that have called while you were away – convenient and easy to use! | $3.00 / month |
Voicemail | Store up to 10 messages for 90 days with a 3 minute recording time so you can take calls whether available or not. Our easy to use touch tone or voice guide prompts make retrieval a snap! | $3.00 / month |
Enhanced Voicemail | Store unlimited messages, of unlimited length for up to 120 days, custom greeting and incoming fax receiving services. Easy to use touch tone or voice guided menus, now with new Internet based configuration and administration of your account. | $5.00 / month |
Conference Calling | Talk with more than one person simultaneously with our inexpensive conference calling service allowing up to 5 participants in a call. Host business calls or have a family meet up easily and affordably. | $2.50 / month |
Call Waiting | On a call but don’t want to miss that important call you’ve been waiting for? Call waiting sends you an audible tone letting you know during your call that another party is attempting to reach you. | $1.00 / month |
Visual Call Waiting | With Visual Call Waiting, you are notified of incoming calls when you’re on the phone, along with the person’s name and phone number (when available). You may then select from an onscreen menu of options how to handle the call. | $2.00 / month |
Handset Insurance | Should your handset be stolen or accidentally broken it will be replaced with the same or comparable model at no cost to you. This gives you peace of mind knowing that your investment is protected and available to you at all times up to a value of $350. | $4.50 / month |
All optional calling feature pricing excludes applicable taxes and associated usage fees.